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We Want to Help You Get Certified
To become a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), you'll need to pass a Microsoft certification exam, or a series of exams. Please view "How to Become a Microsoft Certified Professional," a six-minute NetShow presentation, for an outline of the program basics.

Follow these steps to help you prepare for an exam:

  1. Choose the Certification You Plan to Pursue
    There are eight MCP certifications:
    bulletMicrosoft Certified Systems Engineer + Internet
    bulletMicrosoft Certified Systems Engineer
    bulletMicrosoft Certified Database Administrator
    bulletMicrosoft Certified Solution Developer
    bulletMicrosoft Certified Professional + Site Building
    bulletMicrosoft Certified Professional + Internet
    bulletMicrosoft Certified Professional
    bulletMicrosoft Certified Trainer

    Most Microsoft certification exams can be applied toward more than one certification track. With planning, you can earn certifications as you work toward your career goals. Learn more about how you can build your certification path.

  2. Get an Exam Preparation Guide
    When you choose the exam you want to take, get the corresponding exam preparation guide to find the skills being measured by the exam. Use the Find Exam tool to search for the exam you are interested in taking.

  3. Choose the Training You Need
    You may want to use one or more of the training resources that can help you prepare for a Microsoft certification exam.
    bulletMicrosoft Official Curriculum (MOC)
    bulletMicrosoft Press®
    bulletMCP Approved Study Guides
    bulletMicrosoft Certified Technical Education Centers (Microsoft CTECs)
    bulletMicrosoft Authorized Academic Training Program (AATPs)
    bulletMicrosoft Technical Information Network (TechNet)
    bulletMicrosoft Developer Network (MSDN)
    bulletSeminar Online

  4. Apply Your Skills in a Real-World Environment
    Use and know the Microsoft product you are learning. Hands-on experience is a prerequisite for passing an MCP exam.

  5. Take a Practice Test
    A practice test gives you the opportunity to answer computer-administered questions that are similar to those on the certification exam. (Your score on a practice test doesn't necessarily indicate what your score will be on a certification exam.) You can download practice tests for most certification exams.

  6. Register for an Exam
    Find out How to Register for an Exam. Sylvan Prometric and Virtual University Enterprises administer all Microsoft Certified Professional exams. You may take certification exams at Sylvan Prometric or Virtual University Enterprises. To register with Sylvan, please call (800) 755-EXAM (ext 3926). Outside the United States and Canada, contact your local Sylvan Prometric Registration Center. To register online (for released exams only, not beta exams), visit Sylvan's Web site. To register with VUE, please call the registration center nearest you. To register online, visit VUE's Web site. See more information about VUE.

    When you go to take your exam, be sure to bring one photo ID and one other ID to the testing center. Note: Microsoft requires certification candidates to accept the terms of a Non-Disclosure Agreement before taking certification exams.

Other Information
bulletHow Exams Are Developed
bulletWhat to Expect at the Testing Center
bulletYour Exam Results

For more information or to give feedback, e-mail or call 800-636-7544.

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